
posted on November 6, 2006 in Singapore,Travel


So Singapore was pretty neat. We went to Singapore’s Ministry of Sound Club. The music was great and the people were friendly. Ironically even with the great music I still spent a healthy proportion of time in the cheese room. Lewis and Rosey were not impressed.

I ate something really cool called Crouching Cheese Hidden Bacon. I found the bacon.

We also went on a pilgrimage. I bought a book called Yes Man by Danny Wallace at Heathrow. We’ve all since read it, and by gosh it’s a great book. Anyhoo, it lead us on a pilgrimage to the small island of Pulau Ubin just off Singapore.

Welcome to Pulau Ubin

There we rented bicycles and cruised around.


A woman asked if we wanted to see a wild boar. We said “Yes”. The boar looked angry. When we gave the bikes back the dude asked us (or at least from what we could make out) if we wanted to taste some fruit he had. Again we said “Yes”. It tasted like flavoured elastic. It was a great yes day.

All in all Singapore was cool, but then it was time to make like a tree and get the hell outa there.
Aeroplane from Singapore

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