Two’s company, Room 3’s a crowd

posted on February 9, 2007 in Australia,Travel


We’ve been staying at a place called the English Lodge, suitably named for all the Irish living here. There’s 20 odd rooms and a communal kitchen area, but despite this there’s not a whole lot of talking between the tenants, bar the occasional trans-corridor ‘hello’. People move in and out all the time, so when 3 girls moved into Room 3, we knew it was time to break down the communication barrier.

Lewis, Rosey and myself were sat in the kitchen having just finished our 18th consecutive pasta meal. I decided to initiate a brainstorming session, airing some ideas that might help us better ingratiate ourselves with Room 3. My two suggestions – Naked Book Club and Naked Watching a DVD – were not met with favour by either Lewis or Rosey. Clearly, it was going to take a little more work.

Over the coming days we chat to the girls at meal times; all three of them are friendly and it made a nice change to talking to the food.

One evening the guys and me are idly watching Australian Princess (a ridiculous program by the way), mulling over whether to ask the girls up when I decide the time is now. “Right! I’ll be back in a minute.”

I go downstairs and find them in the kitchen. I clear my throat. They turn around from what looks to be their 18th consecutive pasta meal. “Uh, hi, um, so we’ve got a DVD and were wondering if maybe, um, you wanted to come up and watch the DVD?” They consider it for a second. ‘Quick’ I thought, seal the deal – “And, uh, we usually wear clothes”. I thought I should make clear this was not one of my naked ideas. They said “yes”.


Last Saturday Matt arrived so we figured a night in the city would be appropriate. One of the girls mentioned she had some tickets to Sydney’s Home night club. It was a date. Here we are with Matt.

Us and Matt

These are the girls; Katy, Louise and Frances. Delightful, and not without significant wife potential.
The girls

Home night club.
Home night club

The boys from Swad.
Matt, Lewis and Rosey

Plus girls.
Rosey plus two

You can’t see it, but in this photo I’m gradually digging myself into a hole. Quite a deep one.
Digging a hole

Suffice to say it was a good evening that unfolded into an interesting evening, but regardless it just shows that sometimes in order to make new friends all you have to do is rent a Scrubs DVD and promise to wear clothes.



  1. This was an interesting take on the nights events! I think the readers need a little more of an insight into the world of the Tolbotian Monster!!

    Comment by Rosey — February 11, 2007 @ 1:58 pm

  2. Err, not seen, NOT SEEN…

    Comment by Ciaran — February 18, 2007 @ 2:10 am

  3. Google…

    Google is the best search engine…

    Trackback by Anonymous — March 25, 2007 @ 5:27 am

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