Straight outta Compton

posted on May 7, 2007 in Travel,USA


We arrived in Los Angeles on the 17th of April a few hours before we left Fiji. Despite the guys assertion that I was too brown and bearded to get past U.S. customs, a cursory glance at my passport, a raised eyebrow at the big red ‘PAROLED’ stamp and I was in. We made our way to the Santa Monica AYH.

Santa Monica

L.A. is a mix of the crazy rich, the crazy poor and the plain crazy. A shiny new Ford Mustang will roll past on your left and a homeless guy will ask for a dollar on your right. As we’ve come to expect, the celebrities usually seek us out when we ride into town. L.A. was no exception. Lew from Swad sat next to Lee from Blue in an internet cafe. Lew managed to control his gag reflex and maintain polite conversation with the little pop tartlet.

We went to Universal Studios.

Universal Studios

Everyone has a defining moment in their life. Here was mine. My whole life had been building to this one moment in time. This one co-ordinate on the space time continuum. Yes – the Back to the Future ride.
Back to the Future ride

The DeLorean was there too. Great Scott, this was heavy.
DeLorean from back to the future

Sweet. Wisteria Lane. Unfortunately we didn’t run into Eva.
Wisteria Lane

Waterworld show. Rosey got drenched. Ah, good times, good times.


And of course we went to Hollywood.

Dick van Dyke Hollywood star


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