Kanchanaburi to Koh Tao

posted on September 23, 2006 in Thailand,Travel

Erewan Falls. We swam in the pools which was good but there are fish in there that eat you. Literally chowing down on your feet. No amount of reasoning would convince them to stop.
Erewan Waterfall

“Argh! A lion!” Well a tiger. Check me out stroking some, uh, cat.

On the River Kwai.

Bamboo raft

So, we’ve travelled down via bus, moped, train and boat to the island of Koh Toa off Thailand’s East Coast, where we’ve put in some serious beach action.

Lewis – recovering from malaria – wasn’t feeling so swell the first night so Rosey and myself decided to go for a couple of beers to let the big man get an early night. As the beer flowed we came to the logical conclusion that the more we drank and the later we stayed out the more quality sleep Lewis would get and the quicker his road to recovery.

Needless to say he wasn’t particularly thrilled when I stumble in at half two, utterly toasted. He was even less happy when I decided the room needed some re-decoration courtesy of my stomach. Oops. The less said about that nights proceedings the better for all concerned…

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