Half moon party

posted on October 3, 2006 in Thailand,Travel

Saturday – the half moon party; Ko Phangan’s excuse to get drunk and party in the jungle. We start drinking at about 10.

More drink

Shortly after a number of Swedish girls that we spoke to the previous night join us.

More Swedes

We readily agree the 3 Swedes are getting steadily hotter. Whilst peeling the label off my Chang beer I note that it is 6.4%. I decide the two facts could be related. We are having good fun as a sixsome. A large Canadian gentlemen joins the group, clearly interested in our flock of Swedish girls. He enjoys telling me that “Canadians are brawlers” and then takes pleasure in demonstrating a humans pressure points, on me. I laugh politely and decide I do not wish to enjoy his company for any longer than necessary.

My favourite Swede is the one called Eleanor (say it in a Swedish accent and elgonate the ‘norrr’). She is both attractive and is in a long term relationship; the two qualities I go for in a girl. I decide to impress her with my grasp of Swedish. She pulls a funny face and looks confused. I remember that I don’t actually know any Swedish.

Here is me and her. I want her for my wife.
My new wife

Lewis and myself invent a new kind of handshake.

Lewis and I

One of our number is getting along VERY well with a Swede.

Rosey and 'friend'

Here are some lines for you to read between:



Here we are.

The Gang

Lewis and I adopt a girl from Leeds. She is the one I am garrotting in the photo. She invites us back to hers for drinks and ‘more’. We say no and continue to regret this decision.
Lots of people

At 7am we call it a night and walk past 2 in 1 HAIR! I would like a mohawk and a mullet.

2 in 1 hair

Thanks men and Ladies.


  1. You said no!?! But why?

    Comment by Brady — October 5, 2006 @ 8:57 pm

  2. Good question. I think we wanted to stay at the party until the sun came up, which is more or less what we did. Still though, why? I blame drink.

    Comment by Ciaran — October 6, 2006 @ 10:33 am

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