Doing things with Matt

posted on February 24, 2007 in Australia,Travel

Whilst I’m sure Matt would’ve been content with pasta meals and watching Rosey and myself inventing new types of Hi-5 (New 5!), we needed to up the game and actually partake in some activities. To this end we did the following.

We watched a spot of B-Ball; the Sydney Kings versus the Singapore Slingers. A classic game. That’s it lads, shoot those hoops.

Sydney King cheerleaders

Some nice dribbling there.

Cheerleader lineup

Oh, and some dudes turned up to play some kind of ball game.

Sydney Kings

Took a trip to the Blue Mountains. They were disappointingly rock coloured. These are the 3 Sisters, a rock formation rather than some kind of teenage fantasy.

The Three Sisters

Buildings! We saw buildings!


I love buildings.

Climbing. We climbed a bit!

Sydney indoor climbing centre

For Matt’s final evening we went to a place called Ice Bar. The temperatures kept at minus 5 with everything, the chairs, bar and even the glasses from which you sip your cocktail, carved from ice. Genius. You’re only allowed in for a half hour or else you might get tempted to lick the wall and become stuck forever and ever.

Everybody in the Ice Bar

I have found a great wife. I saved up the coupons, sent off the little form and a couple of weeks later she arrived. I ticked the ‘cake’ option, which is awesome. Cake is great.
Katy and me

Later the same evening we hit SideBar. Standard drink photos medley.

Rosey and friend

Beer beer beer, bed bed bed!!

Lewis and Matt

And so we with some reluctance we had to say bye to the big man on campus…

Matt and us

Truly it had been an awesome time.


1 Comment »

  1. Coupons! So thats how it happened! I’m sure I remember it differently.. ;) it must of been all the alcohol we consumed clouding my memory…

    aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh Cheerleaders :)

    Comment by Matt — February 24, 2007 @ 1:49 pm

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