New Years Eve 2007
We spent the afternoon down by the Opera House soaking up the atmosphere. And the alcohol.
Come evening it was time for the famous fireworks.
Oooh. Ahh. Etc.
This is the four of us with Ali and Fi.
After the fireworks we head to a club called Tank.
“Did someone just grab my ass?”
Lewis spent most of the evening putting his hands up for Detroit.
This is when Steps came on the jukebox.
We rolled out the club at a fairly unearthly hour in time to see the sun rise over Botany Bay.
And our closing memory of that evening, strolling back through the caravans, is of the big man pulling out an end one year/start of another all time funkaliscious move right out of the bag. We couldn’t have summed it up any better.
Ciaran….If you want me to teach you how to pull off this move you only have to ask! Ive got lots more like this aswell! I’ll be here all night!
Comment by gundimaster — February 2, 2007 @ 12:55 am
It’s a deal.
Comment by Ciaran — February 18, 2007 @ 2:13 am